A trout competition took place on Sunday 27th
September. This was the last trout competition of the season.
Winds were light. There was a great turnout on the
shoreline. The social distance rule was strictly adhered to.
On the day 1st place with a great trout went to Adrian Quinn
& Eamon Cunningham. 2nd place went to Jerry Wykes &
Gabriel Wykes. 3rd place went to Connor Hannon & Thomas
Killion. Joint 4th place went to Michael Conway & James
Conway. 5th place went to Conor Parks & Scott Robins.
Our thanks to Wykes Gaffey family for their generous
sponsorship of this competition and additional raffle prizes
and thanks also to Jerry Wykes and Martin Monaghan who
was captains of the day. Raffle winners was Mark Gaffey.
42 boats took part.